We hate it when people say cooking from scratch is more expensive. When cooking in bulk you save money. But if you’re yet to be convinced, check out these handy tips.
Plan - Plan your weekly meals (that's right, 7 days worth of dinners). After the first month (or so), you will be surprised how many ingredients you’ve already stocked up to cook a full-blown meal. Then you’ll only need a couple of ingredients for each meal you cook. Now thats cheap cooking!
It's tried and tested, and it works! It’s even recommended by Money Saving Expert.
No to ad-hoc - Making regular trips to the local shop for ad-hoc purchases really mounts up cost-wise – so, again, PLAN AHEAD!
Yellow Ticket Goods – Learn when your supermarket stocks up their bargain shelf. Time it right and you’ll bag all your most expensive goods (meat etc) at a fraction of their original cost. But there’s no need to panic about the used by date - just throw it in the freezer and defrost it when it’s ready to use.
Check out my cheap recipes here…
Image courtesy of Jason Rogers