Chocolate Toothpaste Tart Recipe

Chocolate Toothpaste Tart Recipe
   Serves: 3 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 441 Calories & 26g fat per serving.
  • 120g Shortcrust Pastry
  • 75g Caster Sugar
  • 35g Butter
  • 115g Skimmed Milk Powder
  • 10g Cocoa Powder
  • 10g Hot Chocolate Powder
  • 75ml Warm Water


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Here’s a recipe that really takes me back to my Bedford childhood – it was a regular at the school dinner table and it’s for Chocolate Toothpaste Tart.

  1. Flour a clean work surface and roll out the Shortcrust Pastry until nice and thin.
  2. Take 3 3-inch tart tins and line the inside of each tin with the Pastry.
  3. Trim the tops then prick the base and sides of each pastry case. Then line each pastry case with some greaseproof or parchment paper.
  4. Fill each case with baking beans then blind bake in an oven preheated to 180c/350f for 20 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, prepare the chocolate toothpaste filling by pouring the Caster Sugar and cubed Butter into a mixing bowl then cream together using a mixer or hand whisk.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix the Skimmed Milk Powder with 75ml of Warm Water then add this to the bowl of creamed Sugar and Butter.
  7. Pour in the Hot Chocolate Powder and Cocoa Powder then thoroughly combine all the ingredients together using a mixer or hand whisk until thick and smooth.
  8. When the pastry cases are baked, remove from the oven and leave to cool – carefully remove the baking beans.
  9. Once cooled, divide the chocolate toothpaste mixture into each pastry case then leave to chill in the fridge for a few hours. Then they’re ready to serve and enjoy.

Learn how to make your own shortcrust pastry – it’s easy!

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Chocolate Toothpaste Tart Recipe video