Paella Recipe

Paella Recipe
   Serves: 4-6 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 581 Calories & 17.4g fat per serving.
  • 500g Chicken Breasts
  • x1 Onion
  • Bacon (125g)
  • Chorizo Sausage (150g)
  • Garlic (x3 cloves)
  • Oil (to fry)
  • 15 Pre-cooked King Prawns
  • 15 Pre-prepared mussels
  • Saffron (1/4 tsp)
  • x1 Green Pepper
  • x1 Tin Chopped Tomatoes
  • Arborio Rice (300g)
  • Peas (handfull)


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


The perfect Paella Recipe doesn't have to be a difficult one. Be sure to keep your eye on the rice, because if you over cook it, there's no turning back! If you think this Paella Recipe tastes great, be sure to like it on Facebook.

  1. Finely slice the Onion and Garlic, chop the Bacon into 1cm square pieces and dice the Chicken.
  2. Heat some Oil in a pan, then fry the Onion, Garlic, Bacon and Chicken for 5 minutes.
  3. Deseed the Pepper and chop into pieces, then add this to the pan with the Tomatoes, crumbled Stock Cube and Rice - give it all a stir.
  4. Measure out 300ml of boiling water and mix in the Saffron. Pour SOME of the liquid into the pan so everything is JUST ABOUT covered.
  5. Season everything with Salt and Pepper, stir it, then leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes OR until the Rice is just about ready.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the Chorizo by finely slicing it. Then after 15-20 of simmering, add it to the mix with the Prawns, Mussels and Peas. Top up the Paella with the Saffron water if needed. Give it all a stir and simmer for a further 5 mins, then serve.

Check out our step-by-step video for this Paella Recipe below.

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