Warburtons Thins Pizza Recipe

Warburtons Thins Pizza Recipe
   Serves: 1 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 295 Calories & 15.4g fat per serving.
  • 1 Warburtons Thin
  • 1 tbsp Tomato Puree
  • 20g grated Cheddar
  • 30g grated Mozzarella
  • 6 Jalapenos
  • 3 Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1/2 Green Pepper


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Here’s a great idea if you’re looking for quick and easy pizza recipes. Why not give my pizza recipe on Warbutons Thins a go - they’re so simple to make.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180c.
  2. Separate the Warbutons Thin. Then use the back of a spoon to spread Tomato Puree on each Thin.
  3. Sprinkle the Grated Cheese over the Tomato Puree then place on the other pizza toppings (Jalapenos, Tomatoes and Green Pepper).
  4. Finally, sprinkle the Mozzarella (grated or sliced) over the toppings.
  5. Place the Warburtons Thins on a baking tray then place in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until golden on top. Then serve and enjoy.

If you’re looking for a pizza recipe made entirely from scratch then check out my Gourmet Pizza Recipe.

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Warburtons Thins Pizza Recipe video