Posts Tagged ‘Cooking’

Follow these simple cooking rules to save time on your quest to cook from scratch.

“Get Meal Planning” – Sounds a bit dull and over the top, however, planning your weeks worth of meals means you know exactly what to buy on the dreaded supermarket shopping trip. Also, you don’t end up dwindling down each isle of the supermarket and end up making regular trips to the corner shop...

Read the full article here

Check out our latest Cooking Guide – Student Survival.

It’s that time of year again, students are heading off to Uni, so check out this guide for some concrete advise about cooking on your own for the first time.  Theres some great advise and money saving tips.

The following has been adapted from the following Stepcase Lifehack article

I was reading through this article and came accross a statement that pretty much summed up everything I’ve been trying to say about healthy eating…  Finally, I now have it in a sentance!

“Cooking can be one of the biggest hurdles for someone trying to eat better, because it can be difficult to decide where to start”

Simple!  So, Stepcase Lifehack asked a few nutritionalists how to overcome this hurdle:

Making a healthy breakfast easy…

  • High fibre cereal and a serving of fresh fruit and a handful of almonds or walnuts
  • A hard-boiled egg, toast and a banana
  • Oatmeal with bananas, silvered almonds, cinnamon and touch of brown sugar

Include a combo of fibre, healthy fats and protein.  Mixing fibre and protein is a good idea when thinking of long-term energy and hunger management!

Making a healthy lunch easy…

  • 1/2 turkey sandwhich with lettuce and tomato etc
  • Fruit
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal with honey and strawberries

Ensure you use lean, high quality protein for lunch which will help to satisfy fullness longer.  Carbs from fruit will help to sustain blood sugar levels.
