Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

Butternut Squash Soup Recipe
   Serves: 4 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 108 Calories & 3.6g fat per serving.
  • x1 Small Onion
  • Garlic (x2 cloves)
  • Veg or Chicken OXO Cube (x1)
  • x1 Butternut Squash
  • Olive Oil (to fry)


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Try this winter warming vegetable soup recipe.

Peel and chop the Butternut Squash into chunks (removing the seeds). Then chop the Onions and Garlic, frying for 5 minutes with a little oil.

Now prepare the Stock Cube by crumbling and adding 400ml of boiling water.

Add the Butternut Squash and Stock to the pan. Top up with boiling water, ensuring the Butternut Squash is just covered. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.

Now stir the mixture and remove from the heat. Spoon out the Butternut Squash into a blender, retaining as much Stock as possible in the saucepan. Blend the mixture into a puree.

So you can make the soup as thick as you want, gradually add the Stock to the Puree until its thick enough.

TIP! You can use this squash soup recipe to make pumpkin soup as well, just swap the Butternut Squash for Pumpkin.

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Butternut Squash Soup Recipe video