Cheese and Bacon Potato Skins Recipe

Cheese and Bacon Potato Skins Recipe
   Serves: 8 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 169 Calories & 8.5g fat per serving.
  • 4 Medium sized Potatoes
  • 100g grated Cheddar Cheese
  • 3 Rashers Bacon
  • 120g Sour Cream


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


In association with Central England Co-Operative and Love Food Hate Waste, check out my Cheese and Bacon Potato Skins Recipe. Perfect if you have leftover potatoes, cheese or bacon to use up.

  1. Boil the Potatoes in a saucepan of boiling water for approximately 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.
  2. Drain the water from the Potatoes and leave until they’re cool enough to handle.
  3. Meanwhile, slice the Bacon into chunks and mix it into the grated Cheese.
  4. When the Potatoes are cool enough, slice them in half lengthways then scoop out some of the Potato from each half (you can save this for mashed potato).
  5. Place the Potato skins onto greaseproof paper on an oven tray then stuff each skin with the Bacon and Cheese mix.
  6. Place in a preheated oven on 200c for 30 minutes, or until golden and crisp. Then serve with a spoonful of Sour Cream and enjoy.

For another buffet style recipe in association with the Co-Op and Love Food Hate Waste, check out my Cheese and Mushroom Bruschetta Recipe.

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Cheese and Bacon Potato Skins Recipe video