Cheese on Toast Recipe

Cheese on Toast Recipe
   Serves: 1 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 428 Calories & 23g fat per serving.
  • 60g Grated Cheese
  • Worcester Sauce (dash)
  • Vinegar (capful)
  • Milk (dash)
  • 2 slices of Bread


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Bored of Cheese on Toast? Sex it up a bit and find out how to make Cheese on Toast to get your heart racing, with just few extra ingredients.

  1. Get yourself a jug and throw in enough grated cheese for one person, followed by a dash of milk, a dash of Worcester Sauce and a cap full of Vinegar.
  2. Stir the mixture together until thoroughly combined.
  3. Toast a piece of bread on one side, then spread the Cheese mixture on the untoasted side of the bread.
  4. Stick the Cheese on Toast under a preheated grill and watch it bubble away. When it’s looking nice and crisp, take it out from under the grill and enjoy.

Why not throw some tomatoes on top for even more flavour?

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