Mulled Wine Recipe

Mulled Wine Recipe
   Serves: 4 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 196 Calories & 0g fat per serving.
  • Red Wine (x1 Bottle)
  • Demerara Sugar (50g)
  • Nutmeg (Pinch)
  • Mixed Spice (Pinch)
  • Cinnamon (x1 Stick)
  • x1 Orange


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Make Christmas extra special with my Mulled Wine Recipe. And the great thing, it's really simple to make and tastes a whole lot better than the shop bought stuff. My Mulled Wine Recipe makes enough for one bottles worth.

  1. Place a saucepan on the lowest heat on the hob and pour in the bottle of Red Wine.
  2. Then add in the Sugar, Nutmeg, Mixed Spice and break in a Cinnamon Stick.
  3. Slice the orange into slivers then add to the pan. Give everything a thorough stir until combined.
  4. Allow to mull for at least 30 minutes. Keep an eye on it and make sure the wine does not come to the boil.
  5. After 30 minutes it's ready to enjoy! You may need to turn the heat off and put the lid on to ensure the Mulled Wine doesn't reduce down. Alternatively, transfer into a slow-cooker.

Watch my video below for this Mulled Wine Recipe and be sure to share on Facebook and Twitter!

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