Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe
   Serves: 6 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 333 Calories & 24g fat per serving.
  • 120ml Whole Milk
  • 300ml Whipping Cream
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 120g Caster Sugar
  • 375g Fresh Strawberries


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


My strawberry ice cream recipe is made with all natural ingredients and is easy to make. It takes a little patience, but it’s definitely a recipe worth putting the effort into.

  1. Place a saucepan over a medium heat on the hob then pour in the Milk and Cream. Bring up to simmering point whilst stirring occasionally.
  2. Meanwhile, whisk together 75g Caster Sugar with the 4 Egg Yolks until thick and pale.
  3. When the Milk and Cream are simmering, remove from the hob and slowly add to the Egg Yolk and Sugar whilst slowly whisking.
  4. Pour the mixture into a clean saucepan over a low heat on the hob. Continuously stir for 10-15 minutes until the sauce has thickened up and sticks to the back of a wooden spoon. Do not heat too quickly otherwise the egg will scramble!
  5. When thickened, transfer into a heatproof bowl and leave in the fridge to cool thoroughly.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the strawberry flavouring by blending the Strawberries until smooth. Then stir through a sieve into a saucepan in order to remove the pips.
  7. Pour 50g Caster Sugar in with the strawberry puree then stir over over a medium heat until reduced down a little and it’s thick and syrupy. Then transfer to a heatproof bowl and leave to cool thoroughly in the fridge.
  8. Once everything is cool, pour the custard mixture and strawberry mixture into the bowl of an ice cream maker. Choose the desired hardness setting for your ice cream then start the machine.
  9. Once the machine has finished, scrape the ice cream from the bowl and paddle into a freezer proof container. Leave to set further in the freezer if required, then enjoy.

For more ice cream recipes, check out my Brown Bread Ice Cream Recipe.

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