I often get snack attacks, even straight after eating. I always eat fruit etc when this happens but thought I would experiment the other day!

I was walking around my local supermarket when I walked past a bunch of seeds. Alternative healthy eating guru’s like Gillian McKeith rave about hamster food like this, that’s it, I’m talking about Pulses (FYI: pulses are the seeds of beans peas and lentils). I thought I would give it a go and bought a couple of packs, assuming they were a quick, easy form of snackage – not entirely an accurate assumption!!!

Before I play the pulses down, I think I should just mention that after looking at the nutritional content, these bad boys do contain a tonne of good things for you. Maybe they come under the ‘super foods’ class (I’m not sure)!?!? This is why I wanted them (of course!). They contain loads for protein, carbohydrate and fibre (all the good sorts) and are low in fat. A good all rounder snack food, unlike fruit which is mostly carbs.

So, I return home with my bags of shopping. Hungry from the excursion to the supermarket, I crack open a bag of pulses and munch! These are very hard I think! I read the back of the pack and read ‘WARNING – Do NOT eat Raw’, I promptly spit out the pulses from my mouth!

I read on, to prepare one of the bags of pulses, you must soak them overnight in water, boil for 10 minutes then simmer for 1 hour, and for the other pack, you have to simmer for 2 hours! Blimey I thought, I wasn’t quiet sure what I had signed up for! So I prepared the 1 hour pulses the next day (after soaking over night) and boil/simmer for 1 hour. I assume they would make good snack food ‘as they are’ so put them in a tub and take them to work with me.

I got to work raving about them and everyone’s face explained just how unappetising they looked! So I began to munch the now soft pulses and was, to be honest, very disappointed. I continued to eat them and had to stop before I was physically sick!

So where I’m going is… These are obviously great foods for snacks, but what can I do to them to give them an ounce of flavour??? I would ask for a ‘quick’ way to give them flavour but I think that went out the window when I had to simmer the bloomin’ things for 2 hours!!! It would be great if anyone has any ideas.

Warren Nash This post was written
by on August 8, 2008

3 Responses to “Pulses – Made me go URGHH!!!”

  • SPEEDy Jayne says:

    Sprout them ,they are delicious that way!!

    Put about 2cm of mixed into an empty jar, rinse with water and drain, leaving them wet. Place in a warm-ish dark place (eg drawer or cupboard, not the fridge!). Rinse and drain every day until the little suckers have put on tiny roots. I eat them with a bit of honey and lemon dressing but you can just yum them up on their own. Delish!

  • FitBrits.co.uk says:

    Thanks Jayne.

    Do you know how long it usually takes for them to sprout and do i have to boil them still?

  • momofalltrades says:

    You could also try sprinkling them with seasonings and drying them a bit in the oven. When wheat is prepared this way after making it into bulger, it gets crispy and kind of like popcorn.

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