How to make Toffee Apples

Toffee Apples Recipe
   Serves: 4 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 175 Calories & 0g fat per serving.
  • 100g Caster Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Golden Syrup
  • 1/2 tsp Vinegar
  • 4 Apples


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Perfect to commemorate Halloween or Guy Fawkes Night, my Toffee Apples Recipe is really easy to make at home. My Toffee Apples only have a few ingredients and they’ll for sure, take you back to your childhood!

  1. Start by pouring the Caster Sugar into a saucepan, along with 50ml of water.
  2. Heat slowly on the hob until all the Sugar is dissolved into the water. Then add the Golden Syrup and Vinegar.
  3. Keep stirring until the temperate is up to approximately 140c then quickly remove from the heat and lay out some greaseproof paper.
  4. Push a wooden stick through each apple and dip into the Sugar mixture (a couple of times if necessary). Then place on the greaseproof paper.
  5. Leave to cool then enjoy.

For another in-season recipe, check out my Pumpkin Soup Recipe.

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How to make Toffee Apples video