Brussel Sprouts Recipe

Brussel Sprouts Recipe
   Serves: 4 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 157 Calories & 13g fat per serving.
  • Brussel Sprouts (250g)
  • Bacon or Pancetta (150g)
  • Knob of Butter or Oil (to fry)
  • Handful Pine nuts


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Some people love them, some people hate them, so here's a Brussel Sprouts recipe for the lovers out there! You can just boil them, but by adding just a few extra ingredients to the recipe, you can make brussel sprouts taste even better. Follow this recipe and you may even convert some people!

  1. Prepare the Brussel Sprouts by pealing and washing them, then slice a cross on the ends.
  2. Boil the Sprouts for NO LONGER than 3 minutes, then put into cold water (helps keep them green) - then set aside.
  3. Meanwhile, heat the Butter or Oil in a frying pan, finely slice the bacon (no need if using pancetta) and fry for 5 minutes.
  4. Drain the Brussel Sprouts, slice them all in half and put them into the frying pan with the Bacon/Pancetta. Fry until the Sprouts begin to brown.
  5. Stir in the Pine Nuts then serve.

Check out our Butternut Squash Soup Recipe for another great winter warmer.

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