How to make Custard

How to make Custard
   Serves: 4 | Prep time: | Cooking time: 423 Calories & 34g fat per serving.
  • 200ml Double Cream
  • 400ml Whole Milk
  • 1 Vanilla Pod
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 75g Caster Sugar


Junior Explorers Complete Cookbook


Ever wondered how to make Custard from scratch? Check out my custard recipe which uses Egg Yolks and fresh Vanilla Pods. Perfect to accompany your favourite pudding without the use of custard powder.

  1. Firstly, measure out the 200ml of Double Cream into a jug then top it up with the 400ml of Whole Milk.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the Vanilla Pod lengthways then scrape out the seeds from each side of the pod using a teaspoon.
  3. Put a saucepan on the hob over a medium heat then pour in the Milk and Cream and stir in the Vanilla seeds. Bring up to simmering point.
  4. In the meantime, separate the yolks from the Egg’s and pour the yolks into a mixing bowl, then whisk in the Caster Sugar.
  5. When the Milk and Cream are simmering, pour in the Egg yolks then put the heat down to low (this is important to stop the Egg scrambling).
  6. Continuously stir the Custard with a wooden spoon until it starts to thicken.
  7. If after 10 minutes it still needs thickening up slightly, make a paste out of Corn Flour and some of the Custard from the pan, then return to pan to thicken.
  8. When you’re happy with the consistency, it’s ready to enjoy immediately with your favourite dessert.

Goes perfectly with my Apple Crumble Recipe. Check out my Custard Recipe cooking demo below.

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